Unlimited Team Calendars

If you're tired of wasting time juggling in-person or phone appointments, or need to track your team's schedules, JewelryBox.AI is the right app for you.

Complete Control

Calendar management made easy:

Tired of double booking and dealing with staff members' commitments overlapping? JewelryBox.AI helps you avoid this by letting you assign staff members to specific calendars and configure their availability.

Neat, organized, and effective:

The interface is neat, organized, and easy-to-use so that even first-time users will have no trouble navigating through it. We walk you through set up, step by step with our video library. Need more help? We have tech support.

Complete Control

Calendar management made easy:

Tired of double booking and dealing with staff members' commitments overlapping? JewelryBox.AI helps you avoid this by letting you assign staff members to specific calendars and configure their availability.

Neat, organized, and effective:

The interface is neat, organized, and easy-to-use so that even first-time users will have no trouble navigating through it. We walk you through set up, step by step with our video library. Need more help? We have tech support.

Unlimited Calendars

Schedule, track and organize:

Create UNLIMITED calendars with different appointments and/or for each team member. Let your customers schedule specific services or request certain team members. Turn on two way sync and NEVER double book or miss an appointment. again.

Automated Booking

JewelryBox.AI allows you to customize the system to fit your needs. You can change anything from the appointment reminder notification frequency to the staff member responsible for sending the reminder.

Need qualified VA's? Ask about our dedicated, trained, and certified virtual assistants that are available 24/7!

Automated Booking

JewelryBox.AI allows you to customize the system to fit your needs. You can change anything from the appointment reminder notification frequency to the staff member responsible for sending the reminder.

Need qualified VA's? Ask about our dedicated, trained, and certified virtual assistants that are available 24/7!

(314) 456-8666

Clearwater, Florida

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